Automatic setup of thermal and thermoelectric Link Elements in Ansys Workbench via Ansys Application Customization Toolkit (ACT)

Giovanni Falcitelli



In many thermal and thermal-electric applications it is necessary to define Thermal Flux exchange among disconnected nodal surfaces. The standard Contact – Target based technology sometimes doesn’t fulfill all the requirements for the correct implementation of such a kind of connectivity. One way to solve this problem is the generation of suitable Link Elements among the disconnected nodal surfaces. Since many years EnginSoft developed and tested APDL macros to automate the implementation of this strategy, the so called LATC (Link Approach to Thermoelectric Contacts) for use in Ansys Classical APDL. More recently EnginSoft ported LATC in Ansys Workbench using the Ansys Application Customization Toolkit (ACT). Many examples are discussed in the present article.
