CFD Analysis of a Rotary Bread-Backing Oven

Anna Vaccari, Alessio Suman, Michele Pinelli

ENDIF-University of Ferrara


In this paper a fully 3D numerical CFD model of a rotary bread-baking oven was presented. The numerical analysis was performed through the commercial CFD code Flow Simulation (embedded in SolidWorks CAD modeler) and validated against the experimental data collected by means of an experimental test bench realized on purpose. The numerical model, validated by the experimental results, shows the airflow pattern inside the cooking chamber of the oven allowing the comprehension of its variation as a consequence of the racks and loaves presence.
Through the data collected with the experimental tests and numerical CFD simulations, a fluid dynamics characterization of the rotary bread-baking oven can be provided. Therefore, the numerical analysis results can be used in support of the design process in order to improve the airflow management inside the cooking chamber, leading to countless advantages in terms of energy saving and the reduction of non-conformal cooking products.
