


Stefano Odorizzi

Graduated in Civil Engineering in 1973, Stefano Odorizzi started his activity as researcher in 1976 at University of Padova, where he holds the course of Solid Mechanics.

CEO and co-founder of EnginSoft, multinational consultancy company engaged in Simulation Based Engineering Science, he actively promotes numerical simulation for research activity, with particular attention for manufacturing process, metallurgy, multi-disciplinary and multi-objective optimization.

Since 1977, he has been Project leader of a large number of EU co-funded research projects (like COMETT, CRAFT, BRITE-EURAM, MURST, EU-RTD); he is an active member of several associations (ISOPE, ASM Europe, AICAP, AIM, ATA, NAFEMS) and he plays an important role within prestigious European Networks (MACSinet, FENET, INGENET, TECHNET). His commitment in numerical simulation dissemination is witnessed by his many initiatives as General Manager of EnginSoft, in academic research and advanced training and education.
