Efforts on Medical Education Simulation Center Establishment; GMMA Experience

Fatih Yazar

Gulhane Military Medical Academy - Department of Anatomy

Ahmet Korkmaz

Gulhane Military Medical Academy - Department of Physiology

Süleyman Ceylan

Gulhane Military Medical Academy - Department of Medical

Orhan Kozak

Associate Dean for Faculty of Medicine and Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Gulhane Military Medical Academy


Today human patient simulators have critical roles in medical education training that are used to obtain clinical skills in line with true-to-nature medical conditions and patient characteristics. Under the principle of “primum non nocere (first do no harm)!” today, gaining skills on simulators before encountering the patients, become the most important component of medical education. In addition to this basic truth; within the framework of national and international regulations, and certifications in interventional medical practice, by taking specific simulation training of health personnel, some direct applications on the patient can be prevented. Therefore, as earliest as possible simulated environment the establishment of emergency response and emergency response training initiatives has become imperative for granting medical schools. For this purpose, in the campus of Gulhane Military Medical Academy (GMMA), an area of about 300 m2 was planned for the establishment of this center. In the design of center, along with emergency and intensive care units, transportation of the patients (simulators) with an ambulance made available. Apart from this, an instant transactions with first responders to another simulator which is more complex was also established at the simulation center. By this way, under a sophisticated scenario an
integrated and well equipped simulation center allowed further diagnostic and treatment training in the same facility.
With this presentation; sub-units of simulation center and educational tools with the ability of center will be evaluated and exposed. As well as the applicability of a variety of intensive care unit applications, trauma, CBRN training opportunities, training with real anesthesia gases, emergency applications, the diagnostic and therapeutic interventional practice will be discussed. In the pre and post graduate medical education, when students and experts have no opportunity to practice on real patients or in order to overcome the medical malpractices in the circumstance of risky emergency and clinical interventions, these centers will have critical roles.
